

Our Journey Starts Here

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105 NIV (Please click and see labels below or on the sidebar for more content) 30 DAYS DEVOTION POETRY (FOR FILIPINOS)  PROSE AND POETRY        Hello. I am Janaia. I am so grateful and blessed to be with you here in this blog. I know that it's not an accident why God brought you here. There's a purpose why you stumbled on this page. I just want you to know that whatever circumstance you're in, you are loved. His never-ending love will fill all the gaps we have in our hearts as we face each day. Like our father here on Earth, God is more than willing to hold our hand and lead us to the way we are supposed to go. He will never let us walk alone. There are times when we feel like no one is willing to walk with us, no one understands us and no one has the capability to listen to us. Believe me, I know. But in those times that we're on the verge of giving up, we can feel the love of God whispering, " you are

Day 23 - God's Plans

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.  Psalms 33:11 NIV      We've learned that God knows the unknown and He knows what is best for us ( see Day 4 Blog ). What we're going to learn today is that HOW His plans work and how long do His promises valid?      Based on our verse above, God's promises are FOREVER; meaning NO EXPIRATIONS! How awesome is that! God is always waiting for us to come to Him so that His plans in our lives will be fulfilled. It is possible that we're not waiting for our destiny, but our destiny (His perfect plan) waits for us. God gave us free will to do what we want to do and how we deal with situations; because we're humans, and not robots. God didn't create us to enslave us, but to shower us with His grace. It is also in our own willingness that we will surrender to His authority and let Him be the Author of our lives.      So, back to His plans. God won't let you live without

Day 22: Worth Series - #5 So Loved and Beautiful

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV      This verse is really the most beautiful one for me in the Bible. Because of Adam and Eve's sin, we are also born in sin that makes us far from the Lord. But God didn't let that happen for long. He gave His ONLY SON Jesus to cover and pay all of our sins in the cross! We are now free because He gave His life as ransom for all. What Jesus did on the cross is the greatest love that I could ever know. I bet you can't die and pay the sins of your neighbor that lets their pet ruin your bushes and flowers in the garden, or your classmate that you see cheating on your final exam or your officemate that always sees your mistakes and tells them to your boss. But Jesus did that! Why would He do that if He's really a God? One answer: because of LOVE. We are now forgiven and free.      We are the reason that He gave His life and t

Day 21: Worth Series - #4 Valued

And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Matthew 10:30-31 NIV      How sweet it is to be loved by the One who holds the universe! We don’t have to be afraid anymore about what tomorrow will bring because we know that God is a God of certainty. You are loved. You are valued. God sees you. He longs for you.      These verses show that we are valued by God even on the tiniest detail we don’t value about ourselves. Do you spend time counting the number of your hair? I bet not, because it’ll be tiring. But God knows it! He knows everything about you. We all know that God created all the living beings here on earth – including the birds. Even the wild birds that no one has been taking care of can live all throughout their lifespans because God provides them food to eat and water to drink. What more about us humans – the highest form of living beings in this world – that God loves and values? God says that we must no

Day 20: Worth Series - #3 Granted

  Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24      When you were a kid, did you believe in Santa? That he gives everything we want if we just be nice to people? And if we’re not, we’ll be listed to those “naughty” kids who will not receive any gift on Christmas. You see, we were taught since we’re young that we should do good to everyone and our wishes will come through.      God has the same intention but instead of being nice and perfect, it is by grace that we are receiving His favor – that whatever we ask from Him in prayer, it will be given to us. How amazing that is! If we stay faithful to God and do His commandments, we are favored.      The next verse of our bible reference today is Mark 11:25 which states that, “and when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone , FORGIVE them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.” So, before we get Our Lord’s favor fully, w

Day 19: Worth Series - #2 Knowing His Power

You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations. Psalms 77:14 NLT      We all know that God can do anything He wants, including His intervening to our plans if we let Him do it. He also gives us our desires if those are in lined with His desires for us. Today, I want to share my own testimony on how God performs signs and wonders up to this point.      I transferred to another university as a BS Astronomy student after a year of studying Information Technology from another university. The reason why I took up BSIT is because the year when I’m about to start as a first-year student, my scholarship doesn’t support BS Astronomy. So, to take the scholarship, I took a course that is supported by the institution.      I know deep inside my heart that I love Astronomy. But I set aside my plans to be more practical and to get the scholarship grant given to me. I was so convinced with myself that I will just take BS Astronomy after I graduated BSIT i

Day 18: Worth Series - #1 He Calls Me By Name

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Psalms 147:4      Do you ever wonder how many stars in total are there in space? If yes, we are the same. I always think if the number of stars is the same with the number of sands on the seashore. When we think of this, we think of infinity, endless, countless.      But even the tiniest part of matter in this world is counted by God. He knows the number of stars, their classes and even their age. That is how big and powerful He is. He is the beginning, and the end; in other words, He is the Alpha and the Omega. God is the reason why we exist, and He is also the reason why we breathe. God has the capability to take our own life because He is the One who gave it.      Spend a few minutes of this day breathing while closing your eyes as you feel the air that God has breathed into you. He knows you. He qualifies you. You have a purpose. There is a reason why you exist up until now. And we should be thankful, God has

Day 17: Amazing Grace Series - #5 Grace to Grace

  For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:23-24      We all sometimes feel disappointed when we didn’t reach our expectation to a certain situation. But it doesn’t go the same way with God. After all of our sins and transgressions, we aren’t capable of entering His glory. But with His grace, we are all justified. We are all saved.      We all have sinned in the past, and the enemy’s duty is to bring up that past selves and even regrets to prevent us from thinking that we are accepted by God. As others say, Satan knows our name and He calls us by our sins. But God knows our sins, and He calls us by name. That’s how He loves us. He accepted us after Jesus Christ paid everything on the cross, so that we can freely have a deep relationship with Him.      We aren’t perfect and we make mistakes, but His grace helps us keep on track of our walk with everyday life. Always