Day 23 - God's Plans

But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. 
Psalms 33:11 NIV

    We've learned that God knows the unknown and He knows what is best for us (see Day 4 Blog). What we're going to learn today is that HOW His plans work and how long do His promises valid?

    Based on our verse above, God's promises are FOREVER; meaning NO EXPIRATIONS! How awesome is that! God is always waiting for us to come to Him so that His plans in our lives will be fulfilled. It is possible that we're not waiting for our destiny, but our destiny (His perfect plan) waits for us. God gave us free will to do what we want to do and how we deal with situations; because we're humans, and not robots. God didn't create us to enslave us, but to shower us with His grace. It is also in our own willingness that we will surrender to His authority and let Him be the Author of our lives.

    So, back to His plans. God won't let you live without purpose. There's a reason why you're with your parents, there's a reason why you're with that kind of relationship, there's also a reason why you have that kind of circle of friends, and there's a reason why you're struggling right now. Everything has a reason, and what is important is that we should know that purpose, by talking to Him and seeking His voice.

    When we pray for something, God listens. God perfectly knows where and when and whom are you with, when your prayer is answered. God's delay is not God's denial. God is not selfish to not give His treasures to us. He just makes sure that when He give you the answer, all will be worth it.

    He works in our lives in a way that sometimes we can't comprehend. That's when trust comes in. His plans do work, but we might overlook at them because we're more focused on other things and think that He's not working. Prayer is an important part of the day that keeps our relationship with Him. So today, let us start spending more time with God than our gadgets.

    Are you ready to see what God will unfold in your life today? Maybe it's about work, relationship, or even material thing. But one thing is for sure, His plans stand firm forever and He gives you answers in a way where they will work for your own good.

    Have a blessed day!

Song for you: Desert Song by Hillsong

Always looking up,


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