Day 4: He Knows the Unknown

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

    Do you have a dream? Whether to excel in studies, to have a good relationship or waiting for a promotion, I bet we all have at least one in mind right now. I have a good news for you: Did you know that God has the best and biggest plan for us?
    There are three principles that we must follow in order to achieve our God-given dream. But let us first take this example and apply them to all the principles. Your parents promised to buy you a car after you graduate. But you're still in grade school.
  • Everything Takes Time.   
                It's exciting but kinda frustrating right? But with our without promise, you strove hard and did your best in school to graduate with flying colors. At last! You finally have your own car. The years of waiting were all so worth it. But do you have a question in mind right now? What if your parents gave the car to you when you're still in grade school? Why should they wait for you to reach college before you get it? The answer is maybe because you won't be able to get your license at a very young age and most of all, it's really dangerous to drive alone and it can lead you to harm. Think about that.
  • Everything has a Process.
                When you finally have your car, you know how to control everything. You easily know what the gears are for and where the buttons and parts belong to. Imagine when you got to have your car at age 7, will you be able to reach and see the road while holding the steering wheel? Even your seat belt isn't made to fit for your young body. You wouldn't even enjoy reading the manuals because you prefer coloring books over them.
  • Growth is Part of a Dream.
                   With or without reward, there's still a part of us that wants to achieve something good while we're studying. We want to get high grades so that we can repay the good labor our parents invested in us, yet knowing they do not expect anything in return. As you grow, you learn from different experiences you encounter. You finally know how to deal with stressful situations and be careful in decision making. Imagine that you get to have your car during grade school, will you be responsible enough to drive it without having the risk of getting involved to an accident? But if you're all grown up, you know that things are gift from God and they should be taken good care of.

    It's so heartwarming to have something you've actually worked hard for, and not just given to you in a click. Oh c'mon you know it! People also have this saying, "easy come, easy go" and I believe in that because something worth having takes time, process and growth. God is also the same. He will not be giving something He knows will be wasted in the end. If we can't be trusted with small things, how can we be trusted with big things?
    God has prepared big things for us, far more than we can imagine. We may be experiencing hard times while waiting, but we should always remember that God will never let us be in danger. It may be disappointing to know and feel that sometimes God doesn't go the way we desire to go; but that is also overwhelming only to find out that He actually led us to a better plan than we have for ourselves. Surrendering everything to His will and letting Him take over our lives is a good sign of submission. Submission is one factor that we should have to achieve our God-given dream.
    Spend a minute today talking to God. Pray that His will may be done in your life. God has got you in His hands and He will take care of you. He is the Known God that knows the unknown. Now, will you trust yourself and rely on your own strength knowing that you don't have any idea of the future? Or will you trust our God that holds the past, present and the future?

Always remember: 
God's plan = Time + Process + Growth

    Have a blessed day!

Song for you: Jeremiah 29:11 by Jeremy Lowe

Always looking up,


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