Day 19: Worth Series - #2 Knowing His Power

You are the God of great wonders! You demonstrate your awesome power among the nations.
Psalms 77:14 NLT

    We all know that God can do anything He wants, including His intervening to our plans if we let Him do it. He also gives us our desires if those are in lined with His desires for us. Today, I want to share my own testimony on how God performs signs and wonders up to this point.

    I transferred to another university as a BS Astronomy student after a year of studying Information Technology from another university. The reason why I took up BSIT is because the year when I’m about to start as a first-year student, my scholarship doesn’t support BS Astronomy. So, to take the scholarship, I took a course that is supported by the institution.

    I know deep inside my heart that I love Astronomy. But I set aside my plans to be more practical and to get the scholarship grant given to me. I was so convinced with myself that I will just take BS Astronomy after I graduated BSIT if it is God’s will. But I was wrong. The year after I took BSIT, the university that I’m admitted right now had an agreement with the institution which supports my scholarship. They finally decided that BS Astronomy will be included to the courses supported by their scholarship grant.

    So, after one year of waiting, here I am, taking up BS Astronomy to my beloved university and at the same time, my scholarship wasn’t affected. Some of my subjects are also credited from my former course I took. It’s also a good thing for me that other subjects that I learned in BSIT like Programming helped me cope with Programming subjects in BS Astronomy. I was so thankful to God because when you come to think of it, I’m a year delayed. But as I have mentioned above, I was so convinced that I will just take up that course after another degree. So you see, I am three years earlier! It’s not that I don’t like Information Technology. It’s just my heart really wants to go to the path of Science with relation to Astronomy. I really love that course because it makes me wonder more of how amazing and great God is – His creation from darkness to light.

    Our plans will be seen by others as late, not in time or delayed. But listen to this, God’s delay is not God’s denial. He just wants to give lessons while we wait. And from those moments of waiting, we should be faithful to Him. For me, His timing after a year is great and on time! Why? Because He just let me get used to the environment where my faith will be tested. And through those experiences, I became stronger and braver. I became more resilient and aware with my emotions as I face that Science vs Religion course. I stood and will always stand with my faith, principles, and convictions.

    We may see things as if we can’t have them because they’re so impossible to achieve, or sometimes we’re on the verge of giving up because we can see that there’s no more way to get them. But let me be the one to burst the bubble you’ve been setting your mindset into. I just want you to know that God make ways that sometimes we ourselves cannot imagine happening. That is how powerful He is. He’s got the whole world in His hands.

    Our waiting should be full of trust and faith. No more doubts because God always keep His promises.

    Have a blessed day!

Song for you:Blessings by Laura Story

Always looking up,


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