Day 22: Worth Series - #5 So Loved and Beautiful

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NIV

    This verse is really the most beautiful one for me in the Bible. Because of Adam and Eve's sin, we are also born in sin that makes us far from the Lord. But God didn't let that happen for long. He gave His ONLY SON Jesus to cover and pay all of our sins in the cross! We are now free because He gave His life as ransom for all. What Jesus did on the cross is the greatest love that I could ever know. I bet you can't die and pay the sins of your neighbor that lets their pet ruin your bushes and flowers in the garden, or your classmate that you see cheating on your final exam or your officemate that always sees your mistakes and tells them to your boss. But Jesus did that! Why would He do that if He's really a God? One answer: because of LOVE. We are now forgiven and free.

    We are the reason that He gave His life and the same reason why He suffered and died. But God doesn't want us to feel guilty. Instead He gives grace to those who will believe in Him. God is so generous that we just need to give our hearts to Him to achieve grace. As I said from the previous blogs, grace is not obtained through works. If it's by work, then it is not called grace anymore. Grace is freely given to everyone.

    The veil that separates us to God is already torn. We can now have a deep connection with Him because of Jesus. Now, go. God is waiting on you. He wants your heart, sister. He has a lot more to offer than this world. Our life is so much more at peace if we rest it in His love and cast our cares on Him. Imagine, we can now have eternal life with God - no pain, suffering, worry; only LOVE!

    He deserves to be worshiped and praised for God is all we need, and He's the Only One that can satisfy us. God's love can't be measured that we sometimes feel that it's overflowing and need to be shared with others. He loves me, He loves you.

"Daughter, I'm here. I never left. I have always been with you. I care for you. Now, accept the grace that I am freely giving to you because I love you. Yes, daughter...feel my love flowing to every beat of your heart. Walk with me and I won't let you stumble."

    Reflection Question: God gives us 86,400 seconds in a day. Have you used one to say "Thank You" to Him?

    Have a blessed day!

Song for you: You Call Me Beautiful by Planetshakers

Always looking up,


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